How to Reduce Tooth Pain
added on: June 10, 2024

Dealing with tooth pain can be an uncomfortable experience that disrupts daily life. Understanding what causes the toothache and how to manage it can help alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications. Remember, seeing your dentist in Broomfield is always important if you’re experiencing any type of oral pain.  Common Causes… Read More…

Cheek Biting: Causes, Consequences, and Care
added on: September 7, 2023

Cheek biting might seem like a harmless habit, but it can lead to various consequences if left unchecked. Whether it’s a nervous tick or an unconscious behavior, understanding the causes, consequences, and proper care for cheek biting is essential to maintain your oral health and overall well-being. Your dentist in… Read More…

Oral Health Warning Signs of a Heart Attack
added on: February 3, 2022
Broomfield Family Dentistry

Your mouth and your heart may seem to have little in common, but there is actually an intricate relationship between oral health and cardiovascular health. In fact, a number of the symptoms people experience with their oral health can be early warning signs of a heart condition. This is one… Read More…

American Heart Health Month & Your Dentist in Broomfield
added on: February 12, 2021
heart health month

American Heart Health Month is celebrated every February and strives to raise awareness of the prevalence of heart disease in America, as well as offer tips on how to reduce your risk of heart disease. But why is your dentist in Broomfield talking about heart health? Great question. The truth… Read More…

Does Gum Disease Cause Dementia?
added on: November 13, 2020
Broomfield Family Dentistry

We know we talk about gum health and gum disease a lot, but we believe that we can’t share enough information about how maintaining healthy gums can not only protect your oral health but your overall health, too. Your dentist in Broomfield knows that poor gum health can lead to… Read More…

Does Flossing Cause Gum Pain?
added on: June 19, 2020
man examines his gums

It’s important to brush and floss your teeth every day to maintain good oral health. But what does it mean when your gums hurt afterward? Is it normal for gums to be sore or even bleed while flossing or shortly after flossing? Let’s check in with your dentist in Broomfield… Read More…

Surprising Things About Spit
added on: November 27, 2019
cheek swab test

When we think of spit, we may automatically think about how gross it is, especially when someone spits in public. But what would you say if we told you that spit is actually something pretty incredible? Join your dentist in Broomfield as we talk about some of the surprising facts… Read More…

Why a Healthy Mouth Means a Healthy Body
added on: September 24, 2019
wellness concept

In this latest blog, we’re going to talk a little bit about the big connection between your oral and overall health. What’s going on inside your mouth is almost like a snapshot of what’s going on in the rest of your body.  Let’s take a look at what clues your… Read More…

Is Vaping Bad for Oral Health?
added on: August 22, 2019

We all know that traditional smoking can put us at increased risk for many serious health concerns such as heart disease and cancer. But what about these newer, ‘safer’ electronic cigarettes that claim to help people quit smoking or at least cause fewer health risks? As it turns out, these… Read More…

What All Seniors Need to Know About Their Oral Health
added on: August 12, 2019
seniors taking selfies

As we get older, our health tends to change and our needs may shift over time. Our oral health is no different. For Senior Citizens Day on August 21st, our dental office in Broomfield wants to cater to our favorite seniors and their families by talking a bit about some… Read More…

How To Prevent Bad Breath
added on: February 21, 2019
bad breath

Everyone has experienced a bout of bad breath at least once in their life. Whether it was caused by a particularly potent meal, your daily cup of morning coffee, or maybe something unknown, bad breath is something that goes beyond embarrassment. In fact, the team at our dental office in… Read More…

Quit Smoking for Better Oral Health
added on: November 7, 2018
man smoking

The American Cancer Society sponsors an event every November to raise awareness for all the health problems associated with smoking and provide tips and tools on how to quit the habit. This year, the Great American Smokeout will fall on November 15, and our dental office in Broomfield wants to… Read More…

Dealing with tooth pain can be an uncomfortable experience that disrupts daily life. Understanding what causes the toothache and how to manage it can help alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications. Remember, seeing your dentist in Broomfield is always important if you’re experiencing any type of oral pain.  Common Causes… Read More…